In Florida, hurricane season runs from the beginning of June to the end of November. There are still things you can do around your property to protect your lawn so it can make it through this period intact.
Heavy rains can often lead to flooding, especially if your yard does not drain well. Check any drains or grates in and around your property to ensure they are clear of debris. Leaves, trash, and other items can block these drains, rendering them ineffective when you need them most. When a hurricane is heading your way, check the drains frequently to ensure they are always clear.
Find other hurricane preparedness tips and more information about Hurricane Preparedness Week on the National Weather Service web site.
Kua’s Hurricane handbook —->
Call 407-892-3400 to speak to a sod professional about your specific sod needs. For complete sod installations or re-sodding in a residential or commercial environment, an S & K Sod professional will come to your location to provide you with the sod insight you can trust.
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