Don’t be fooled this April 1, 2021.

Don’t be fooled this April 1, 2021.

Don’t let someone flock your lawn. What is flocking your lawn you ask. It’s when someone finds a flock of lawn flamingos and cover your lawn with them! If someone does play this April fools jock on you hopefully they make a point of picking up their own flock when the...
When is the best time to irrigate my lawn?

When is the best time to irrigate my lawn?

Sodded lawns should be irrigated during the early morning hours that coincide with the dew falling (usually from 4:30 a.m. until 8 a.m. with these times being adjusted with daylight savings time.) This helps to minimize evaporation, promote conservation and reduce the...
Free phone sod estimates.

Free phone sod estimates.

An S & K Sod professional will give you a free phone estimate (providing you know the square footage needed for the area) no matter how small or large the job may be. To receive a phone estimate call 407-892-3400 now. Call 407-892-3400 to speak to a sod...
Things to look for in your new sod.

Things to look for in your new sod.

New sod is susceptible to insect infestation and fungus diseases and must be treated within 5 days after sod is installed. Recommended fungicides are Pro-Star or Heritage and recommended insecticides are liquid Sevin or Arena. New sod is very susceptible to...