by Rodney Misch | Nov 25, 2020 | S & K Sod |
Watering new sod is not about just getting the grass blades wet. It is what’s underneath that really counts. When you install new sod, all that you’ve really done is laid down a green rug on top of the ground. The idea now is for that rug to send down roots and...
by Rodney Misch | Nov 25, 2020 | S & K Sod |
Thank you for being our valued customers. We are grateful for the pleasure of serving you and meeting your roofing needs. We wish you a lovely Thanksgiving and a joyous holiday season. Call 407-892-3400 to speak to a sod professional about your specific sod needs. For...
by Rodney Misch | Nov 15, 2020 | S & K Sod |
Start by clearing any debris from the site and leveling the soil. When your sod is delivered, check to see that it’s healthy and problem free. Lay your sod within twenty-four hours of delivery, and lightly irrigate the soil just before you begin. Fit the squares...
by Rodney Misch | Nov 15, 2020 | S & K Sod |
Sodded lawns should be irrigated during the early morning hours that coincide with the dew falling (usually from 4:30 a.m. until 8 a.m. with these times being adjusted with daylight savings time.) This helps to minimize evaporation, promote conservation and reduce the...
by Rodney Misch | Nov 15, 2020 | S & K Sod |
New sod is susceptible to insect infestation and fungus diseases and must be treated within 5 days after sod is installed. Recommended fungicides are Pro-Star or Heritage and recommended insecticides are liquid Sevin or Arena. New sod is very susceptible to...
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