Choosing Your Central Florida Sod

Tifway 419 Bermuda Sod Grass


  • Dark green color
  • Medium texture and high shoot density
  • Excellent wear tolerance
  • Drought and salt tolerance
  • Establishes quickly
  • Rapid growth – competitive against weeds
  • Poor shade tolerance- full sun
  • Requires frequent mowing to maintain top quality appearance

Recommended Mowing Height: low to moderate levels of management – 3/4 to 1 1/2 inches (mowing one to three times a week)

Higher levels of management: 1/2 inch (mowing every other day) **Grass becomes dormant (turns brown) during cold weather. Over-seeding in the fall with ryegrass is common practice to maintain green color

Watering Recommendations: After the root system is established, watering should be reduced to longer less frequent watering on an as-needed basis. When grass starts to show the signs of wilt apply ½ to ¾ inch of water per application.

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Tifway Bermuda