S & K Sod Company, Inc.

Laying It Down For Over 40 Years
Hurricane lawn preparedness rule #3 Prune your trees.

Hurricane lawn preparedness rule #3 Prune your trees.

If you have any trees around your yard, trim away any weak or damaged branches or palms. High winds can break branches like these off of trees, hurtling them to your lawn below. This can cause significant damage to your lawn, often requiring extensive repairs. Not...

Hurricane lawn preparedness rule #2 Check Your Yard’s Drainage.

Hurricane lawn preparedness rule #2 Check Your Yard’s Drainage.

In Florida, hurricane season runs from the beginning of June to the end of November. There are still things you can do around your property to protect your lawn so it can make it through this period intact. Heavy rains can often lead to flooding, especially if your...

Hurricane lawn preparedness rule #1 Turn off your sprinklers.

Hurricane lawn preparedness rule #1 Turn off your sprinklers.

In Florida, hurricane season runs from the beginning of June to the end of November. There are still things you can do around your property to protect your lawn so it can make it through this period intact. When there is a hurricane on the way, it is always a good...

How thick is a piece of your sod?

How thick is a piece of your sod?

A piece of sod has about one inch of soil and root zone and the grass height varies from 1 to 3 inches depending upon the variety. Call 407-892-3400 to speak to a sod professional about your specific sod needs. For complete sod installations or re-sodding in a...

When is the best time to irrigate my lawn?

When is the best time to irrigate my lawn?

Sodded lawns should be irrigated during the early morning hours that coincide with the dew falling (usually from 4:30 a.m. until 8 a.m. with these times being adjusted with daylight savings time.) This helps to minimize evaporation, promote conservation and reduce the...

What to look for when you get new sod.

What to look for when you get new sod.

New sod is susceptible to insect infestation and fungus diseases and must be treated within 5 days after sod is installed. Recommended fungicides are Pro-Star or Heritage and recommended insecticides are liquid Sevin or Arena. New sod is very susceptible to...

What is Captiva Saint Augustine grass?

What is Captiva Saint Augustine grass?

Captiva St. Augustine Sod Grass A reduced input St. Augustine, Captiva’s pest resistance minimizes the need for chemical inputs and their low growth habit reduces mowing frequency. Resistant to all chinch bug varieties found in the State of Florida Lush, dark green...

What is Argentine Bahia grass?

What is Argentine Bahia grass?

Argentine Bahia Bahia is a popular low-maintenance lawn grass for infertile soils. The primary uses for Bahia are residential and commercial lawns and erosion control. Bahia Characteristics: Dark green color Coarse texture blades with seed heads (May to November)...

What is St. Augustine Floratam grass.

What is St. Augustine Floratam grass.

Like other Florida turf types, Floratam is a vigorous, coarse textured St. Augustine grass variety. Stolons of Floratam are large, purplish-red in color with internodes averaging 3 inches in length. Leaf blades are wider and longer than common St. Augustine grass....

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