Jamur Zoysia Sod Grass Maintenance


Mow Jamur Zoysia at a height of 2 inches during the growing season. Jamur Zoysia is a dense turf. Mowing is made easier if the lawn is mowed before the turf reaches 3″. Recycle the clippings by simply leaving clippings on your lawn. Jamur Zoysia clippings decompose quickly and can provide up to 25 percent of the lawn’s fertilizer needs.


Spring: When grass begins to green up in spring apply a balanced fertilizer containing a weed preventer. Broadcast fertilizer using a rotary-type spreader following spreading rates recommended on the product container.

Summer: In mid-summer apply a complete nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (N-P-K) fertilizer. Broadcast fertilizer using a rotary-type spreader following spreading rates recommended on the product container.

Fall: In early to mid-fall apply a turf-grade fall feed/winterizer, such as 5-5-20, preferably containing a weed preventer. Broadcast fertilizer using a rotary-type spreader following spreading rates recommended on the product container.


To maintain a healthy appearance during the hottest months of summer, Jamur Zoysia needs about 1 to 1 1/4 inches of water a week. On sandy soils it often requires more watering, for example, 1/2 inch of water every third day. A light green-grey color and narrowing of leaves indicates that it is time to water. Proper irrigation will reduce pest problems in the summer. Water Jamur Zoysia during the early to late morning hours. Watering at night may cause fungal development.

Weed Control

Apply a granular pre-emergent weed killer herbicide in early to mid-February to prevent the emergence of spring weeds such as crabgrass. Late spring, summer and applications of pre-emergent weed killer herbicides are also recommended, and as stated above can be applied in combination with a fertilizers containing a weed preventer. Be sure the product is labeled for use on Zoysia grass and always be careful to follow mixing and applications instructions on product label. Spot testing is recommended.

To kill weeds that have emerged post emergence herbicides can be applied. Be sure the product is labeled for use on Zoysia grass and always be careful to follow mixing and applications instructions on product label. Spot testing is recommended.

Insect Control

We don’t see too many problems with insects on Zoysia grass. On rare occasion we’ve seen spittle bug infestation. Spittle bugs are small, 1/4-inch size, triangular-shape black insects that have bright red stripes on their wings.

Thatch Removal

If thatch is present and more than 1/2-inch thick, use a dethatcher to remove thatch in May.


Jamur Zoysia, as all zoysia grasses, is not highly susceptible to fungus. Very rarely Rhizoctonia, also known as Large Patch Disease attacks Jamur. If a fungus is present, ProStar or Eagle are fungicides that may be used on Zoysia grass. Be sure the product is labeled for use on Zoysia grass and always be careful to follow mixing and applications instructions on product label. Spot treating is recommended.

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