S & K Sod company history overview

S & K Sod company history overview

S & K Sod Company, Inc. was established in 1973 by David Smith. The initial focus of S & K Sod was harvesting pastureland Bahia grass. As the demand for various grasses increased, we expanded into the production of St. Augustine grass. Soon after, our delivery...
S & K Sod company history overview

What might the warranty on S & K sod be?

The quality of S & K sod is warranted for five days provided the care of the sod have been maintained as described in the establishment section of this website. Sod is a perishable product and proper care must be maintained even after delivery. If you notice any...
The signs of drought in your lawn are?

The signs of drought in your lawn are?

Signs of drought in your lawn may include, but are not limited to a change to a gray-green color, folded leaf blades and footprints or tire prints remain for an extended period of time. Call 407-892-3400 to speak to a sod professional about your specific sod needs....