Captiva St. Augustine Sod Grass
A reduced input St. Augustine, Captiva’s pest resistance minimizes the need for chemical inputs and their low growth habit reduces mowing frequency.
- Resistant to all chinch bug varieties found in the State of Florida
- Lush, dark green color
- Resist the Plant hopper insect
- Slow leaf growth means less mowing
- Dense canopy and deep root system
- Chinch bug resistant
- Less mowing
- Beautiful color
- Finer Bladed
Please use the information on this page to choose the correct grass for your application. Feel free to call the S & K office at 407-892-3400 to speak to a sod professional.

Argentine Bahia

Bitter Blue St. Augustine

Captive St. Augustine

Celebration Bermuda

Bermuda St. Augustine

Jamur Zoysia

Tifway Bermuda